
November 19, 2007

Honoring their sacrifice ...

To the 3,500 infantry soldiers bound for Iraq from Fort Polk and to all the brave men and women who don a military uniform and fight for freedom all over the world in the name of the United States:

"As Maj. Gen. Michael Oates said during a 4th Brigade, 10th Mountain Division deployment ceremony at Fort Polk on Nov. 10, "In a country of 300 million, less than one-half of 1 percent are willing to put on the uniform in service of our country. I think it's fitting that they hold this ceremony at a place called Honor Field."

2 Tea Party Guest:

kbug said...

I like the way the Major thinks..... :) I'm sorry you're facing a deployment, that's no fun, but it sounds like you've done it before. My baby boy is scheduled for his second deployment next summer. We're not looking forward to that either. As few as there are in the military these days, at least you know you're not alone.

lime said...

3500, what a number. thank you to each of them. may they all return safely.