
July 24, 2007

My life is not like a box of chocolates (but I sure could use some!)

Well this week has truly been "one of those weeks." I have had so much to do that my head is spinning. The weekend was a blur because my husband was called into work BOTH day because of stupid decisions made by Soldiers (related to alcohol of course.) So I think the leadership are trying to figure out a way to stop the Soldiers from hurting themselves or others because, let face it, their lives are already in enough danger without adding to it with stupid decisions.

In the past month I have lost nearly all of my friends to PCS moves: “My Dear Watson”, Mezz, my date when hubby is gone, Staci, “Dixie’s Mom”, and a few others. These gals were my rock, sounding board, shoulder to cry on and in the case of Mezz, a little sister who needed constant care, which kept my mind off of the last deployment. Now, I am months away from another deployment and ... well it looks like it’ll be a quiet one, but I have plenty to keep me busy.

Last week was chaotic at work and this week is a little better, but we start on the Back-to-School edition that comes out the week school starts and I have to be honest. I have been stuck with this for the past four years and I HATE it. I don’t have kids so it’s wasted info on me. The bus schedule is always provided last minute so the day before we layout the paper I spend 8-10 hours typing it up because they send it in an spreadsheet format by street and school and I have to convert it to paragraph format by bus number. UGH!!!! Oh, the bad words that spew from my mouth. I have actually cried from so much frustration. On top of that it is an 8-page layout so I have to do a plethora of other articles and projects to fill it up. I beg you this one time of year, don’t edit your newspaper and complain –– some days it takes all we journalists have to get it together, especially when you get the project two week ahead of print time instead of two-months like previously. I know bus safety in my sleep, I could recite to you the lunch schedule and give you the damn immunizations myself. On top of it I have my regular assignments which this week include (but is not limited to:) a deploying unit and Dining Facility that won national recognition (It’s not all glamorous!) But on to other topics ...

The end of the semester is approaching fast and I have 11, that right not 10 but 11, papers to write including a 15-20 page research paper. While the hell did i go to sleep last night. I have class the first two weekends of Aug. and I gotta have SOMETHING to turn in.

On the home front, we have come to realize that Sgt. Major’s potty training has gone out the window since military housing changed our fences from wooden to the chain-link. That’s right people, my “I’ll bite your head off if you knock on the door or touch my mommy” guard dog is scared to potty outside by himself, so he has redesignated the floor beside the kitchen table as his new “hot spot.” George is going to try to find some sort of privacy fencing, but we cannot attach anything to the fences per the new regs. I say let’s drop Sgt. Major off at the housing office for a few days and see if they don’t change things ‘cause ol’ boy has some strong stuff coming out of his little body.

Speaking of george he leaves for four-weeks of training soon and it’s gonna be hard. Sgt. Major tends to get needy, I go on a house-cleaning binge and I hate the lonely night. A king-size bed is HUGE when you’re in it alone (even with a 60-plus pound bulldog.)

This Friday we are having his Bn XO over for dinner and while I absolutely ADORE the man because he is so funny (at least I think so!) I have got to remember to take the roast out of the freezer, bake some cookies (and not eat them) and get salad making stuff. Hopefully the produce gods will smile on me and the red potatoes in the pantry will not go bad Thursday night, like they usually do when planning a dinner party. I’m also hoping that a fellow Cpt. can make it for dinner too, ‘cause i want to grill him on his new fiancĂ© before we get to the weeding in Sept.

On top of all that I voluteered to take on another position in the Family Readiness Group ... but more on that later.

All in all ... I probably had a lot better things to do than write this post, but I’ll chance it. I must get back to work. Life as an Army wife is NEVER dull!

4 Tea Party Guest:

Julie said...

Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll visit and read yours too, soon.

stitcherw said...

Wow you've got a lot going on. Sounds like it is going to keep you quite busy for a while. Especially trying to write all those papers in such a short period of time. Hope all you've got going on goes smoothly for you. Sorry so many of your friends are moving at the moment, that will make it even harder. {{hugs}}

Cheryl said...

My goodness, things sound pretty busy with you at the moment! I enjoy reading about your "army wife life" as its so different to me or anyone i know!
Good luck with everything you have to do and all those assignments!
Im sorry so many of your friends have moved recently, that must be hard {{hugs}}

Darla said...

Hey sweetie, you can throw those red potatoes in the fridge, that will get you a little extra time.

I'm sure all the parents and the little kids will appreciate having the right bus route/times and all. You are doing something that people will be grateful for even if they don't stop to thank you.
Good Job!
