
January 29, 2012

Mommy Needs a Time Out!!

Since we got here nearly 2 months ago, my parents have been great at helping me with Jamie. Babysitting, letting him run rampant on their ranch chasing their goats, dogs and cats entertaining him with Lego towers that reach the sky ... err, ceiling. But somedays, he wakes up and has an itch to push Mommy's buttons. Take this morning for instance ...

Sgt. Major wanted potty breaks 3 times last night, waking the baby with his barking all three times. It was not the silent slumber I'd hoped for. Then Jamie was up at 5:30 a.m. He climbed out of his crib and played with his toys until 6 a.m. while I grumbled in bed at the dog trying to take my small spot on our king-sized bed. I finally relented, and got up, changed Jamie's diaper and turned on his TV. When I came back with his milk cup he patted his lounge chair me to lay down with him. In my mind, that was great. Little did I know that he really wanted to bang his cup against my forhead like some nervous tick while he watch Octonauts! Finally, I sat up, prefering to let him put his feet on my lap while I texted with George. But he preferred to pinch me with his toes! (Seriously, where did he get that!?!)

I moved to the living room sofa to watch the news, because everyone knows Sundays are lazy days. Wrong!! Jamie comes toddling in a few minutes later and positioned himself on the center piece of the sofa behind my head with toys. Ok, he's gonna play I think. Wrong again!! He decided to put his alphabet laptop on my head and bang on it. I tried to get him to stop, but he's determined to bang out some great novel. I flip over on the sofa and he climbs over and lays sideways on me and comemnces to rolling back and forth from my neck to my knees! Really!?! This is how you want to start the day? Finally, I changed the channel to Disney, laid him on the pillow and tucked his quilt around him and retreated to the other side of the gates and the land of les"s comfortable" furniture.

{Sigh} Some days the boys drives me to drinking ... I'm talking the good stuff. Not the coffee with Splenda and Fat Free Half & Half, but full sugar and flavored creamer. Bring on the Hazelnut! I'm not addicted- I can quit any time ... which on my calendar will be the day after his college graduation!!

So as long as I sit here in my slightly awkward angled office chair (thank you movers for that!), and drink my full fat, extra-flavored coffee his is content to lay quielty on the sofa, but as soon as I cross that gate its like crossing a picket line at a political protest!! Crazy starts to happen. It's a different look on "abuse of power".

Word of advice, today is probably not the day to ask me about more children, because even the dog is on the outs today!!

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