
June 12, 2011

Dealing with Deployments

So I've learned how to deal with deployments - how to stay busy, what makes it better when I get overwhelmed (McD's mocha frape LARGE!), etc. I thought I had it all figured out, but this past year been a learning experience to say the least.

Luckily, with the nature of George's current unit, he is gone weeks at a time versus months, but still its a hard concept to grasp when you're 16-months-old. Usually, about day 3 is when things start to get really "fun" and each day is an adventure depending on how he feels! Today, was one of those days. The day started at 4:30 a.m. - Monkey was ready to go, but I needed a few cups of coffee!

From the start he was ready to push buttons. By 9 am, Jamie had greeted me with dirty diaper on hand, knocked the surround sound speakers down twice, hidden the remote so the TV is stuck on Disney Channel, smeared blueberry smoothie across the breakfast room walls & thrown a 2-hour tantrum! Whew! What a day!

Later, he managed to pull more than 150 wipes out of the box before I found him. He was sitting on top of the pile, he clothes barely on 30 minutes were all wet!

It's hard to be patient with him but I know that he just wants his daddy. On top of it the poor lil guy is cutting two teeth! I can see them at the edge of his gums and go to bed each night praying they break through during the night.

The key is really just to keep busy. We go to the park, plan dinners with other moms who have kids his age, go on trips to the zoo, etc. I try to go to the gym a few times a week, where he gets to play with other kids in the child care center. Every day is a new adventure, new test of my patience. I just hope he knows when I patience its just that I miss Daddy too and don't know how to make it better for him. In the end, I hope it makes us all stronger ... and closer as a family.

Until our next cup of tea ...

1 Tea Party Guest:

Sue said...


Keeping you and Jamie and George in prayer since I know too well what deployments mean to a family. Not as a wife, but as a mom and grandma living right in the thick of it all here at Laurie and Stephen's home. It's not always easy, but when you see your child deploy and leave her little boy and her husband who just returned from deployment himself, you just make up your mind to do what ever it takes to get us all through.
And that's what you and I are doing. We may be a generation apart, and the circumstances are different - your husband and Jamie's daddy, compared to my daughter, Stephen's wife, and Kasey's mommy, but we surely can identify with deployments. It makes us stronger knowing that we are not alone.
Hugs and prayers to you all, my friend.