
March 5, 2009

The Soldier's Spouse Creed

I am in love with a United States Soldier. I will support him in his defense of the Constitution of the United States of America. And I will understand that he must obey the orders of those appointed over him. I represent the true backbone and fighting spirit of the Army. And for those who have served before me I salute you with all the strength and loyalty my heart can muster. I proudly stand by the one I love with Honor, Courage and Commitment. I am committed to support my soldier and the United States Army.

4 Tea Party Guest:

Vee said...

You spouses do make all the difference. I doff my cap to you as well and say thank you!

lime said...

well said and thank you

ancient one said...

and a very special thanks to the spouses and family of our soldiers...

Sue said...

I thank you for your being such a wondeful example of what a military spouse should be. Tonight, I am printing this and sending it to both Laurie and Stephen. They too are excellent and very loving examples of those your post is about. Far away, but supportive of one another still the same.
God bless you - and your soldier.
Hugs my friend.