
February 10, 2009

The Story of a Puppy and his Daddy

Greetings all! Its a peacefully rainy day here in the deep south and I am sitting here blogging to keep busy while my husband plays games on the XBox and the puppy snores peacfully at my feet. With this in mind, I wanted to share with you a picture of "my two boys".

George is always complaining that the puppy doesn't love him as much, but Sgt. Major is a momma's boy and as anyone with a clingy kid can tell you, sometimes it gets overwhelming. He is always under foot when I am home. When I do dishes, he sits on my feet! Well, one night last week I came into the livingroom to see why they hadn't come to bed yet and this is what I saw.

Sgt. Major had actually fallen asleep on George and he didn't want to move for fear of waking him up. Too funny!

On another note, a few of my craft/teacup readers have asked about posts of those topics. I have created a blog that is dedicated to those. Please visit my Teacup Collector's Cottage blog.

Until our next cup of tea ...

3 Tea Party Guest:

Megan said...

Hi! I'm working on a project you might be interested in. I would send you an email but I can't find your addy anymore. I hope you're well! Drop me a line if you would--sissyben at gmail dot com.


Vee said...

Sweet photo! And it will be a wonderful relief to divvy up the burdens of parenting. :D

Sue said...

It's good to see you again - and George and puppy too. :) I don't think George has anything to worry about as far as SGT Major being a momma's boy. He looks pretty secure with George too.
I have been wondering how you are -it's really good to see you again.
Blessings my friend,