
August 27, 2008

This is where the puppy gets serious ...

It has been an exhausting two weeks, but we have gotten some things figured out. George's dad has been diagnosed with stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver (though he hasn't drank alcohol in 25 years), pancreatic cancer, COPD and 3 bleeding ulcers. He was hospitalized for two days last week for a few surgeries to relieve the preasure in his liver and pancreas and we go back on Friday to see what the next step is. But in the meantime, Sgt. Major has been keeping us all busy laughing our a$$es off! This morning I was awakened to a 65-pound puppy pounce and a big bully face staring down at me. Now if you haven't had the pleasure of being awakened to this, imagine a 65-pound weight being dropped on your stomach and a deep-throat growling monster just inches away from your face breathing a not-so-great-smelling warm aroma inches from your head with a big Joker-like grin on his face ... really can't be beat! Once you are able to breath again, you can't help but laugh. Then George and Sgt. Major westled on the bed while I worked on the computer ... here was the ensuing event ...

This is what we call a
"pig in a blanket!"

The hazzards of being a photojournalist is you get caught up in the action!

(Don't worry, he doesn't actually bite me, he licks!)

It's been a busy week to include a weekend in Vegas for the two of us and George's birthday dinner. So I'll continue to post in between doctor's visits!

Until our next cup of tea ...

5 Tea Party Guest:

lime said...

oh man, i am so sorry to hear about george's dad.

your description of the wake up call sgt major gives is really a hoot.

Butterfly Wife said...

I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law.

Nice to have a little levity with the pooch. What a cute bundle of joy.

ancient one said...

It's nice to have the puppy to bring some laughter into your life. He looks so large in some of the pictures, then I see him against your arm and I realize he's really just a puppy.

Sorry about your FIL.. I expect there will be lots of doctor's appointments.

Meari said...

Those are great times with the pup, but I think I'd like to do without the "sweet aroma" of his breath first thing in the morning! I'm so glad little Celeste (all 4 lbs of her) can't jump up on the bed.

Kimmie said...

Those pics are so cute.....

Hope everything goes well with your FILs health. Nothing scarier than a parent in the hospital.