
January 4, 2006

Craft Corner: Current Projects

This WIP is a project that I started in college ( fall semester 2002) for my then boyfriend/now husband. First it was to be a commisioning gift in May 2003, then 2003 Christmas present, then May 2004 wedding present ... well you get the idea.

The problem is that it is so intricate and I am doing it on 22-ct fabric. I am not having a hard time so much as I can only work on it for small amounts of time before my eyes hurt.

Its really the count that I'm scared to mess up because it it a circle and one miss count could throw the whole thing off. My final goal is to have it completed and framed for my husband's return from Afghanistan which will give be about a year. I am very excited about it.

I got the pattern at this little needlework shop the summer we were seperated for internships in college. I was doing an internship in Cary, N.C., and he was in Germany doing an Army "internship" (called CTLT for cadet training and leadership something) with the 1st Infantry Division. I'll keep posting my progress on it.

This is a Christmas ornament that I finished over Christmas (see posting below). I decided to use beads instead of the metallic thread because it was so hard. Not bad for my first beading project. I'll have to post pics once I sew it together. I'd like to make a set of eight but haven't quite figured out how I want to finish it yet.

This is another ornament I made using the pattern from above and repeating it. I really had fun with it and once I get most of my WIPs finished I may try to do some other designs with it.

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