
September 19, 2005

One of those days ...

Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel "blah"? Well I am experiencing one today.
George has been gone for a week training and I really miss him. My boss gave me Friday off because I worked some the past two weekends and we don't get overtime only comp days.
While it was nice, I would much rather have a day like that when my husband is here. Even if he didn't have the Friday off I could get all of the housework done and we could try to find something to do over the weekend.
As it was I got way too much accomplished. There should be a law as to how much work can be done on a weekend. The house is clean, the laundry is done, I organized the craft closet almost completely (which is a obstacle unto its own) and spent so much time with my puppy that even he was like "Whoa lady, give me some space."
I did some homework for my master's class, but really you can only read for so long before your eyes start to swell and you go cross-eyed.
I did however make the list of family members to get presents for at Christmas, but even working on holiday crafts was not much fun.
I was actually happy to get to work this morning, but even that did not cure my need for something to do.
It's not like I don't have a lot of work to do either. We are currently short-staffed so there is plenty to go around, but all of my assignments are for pending editions. Which leads me to another thought.
This weekend I watched a movie set in a newspaper office, actually two (don't ask me the names because I already forgot). I couldn't even get through ten minutes without going "Yeah, right! That's not how it really is."
Like the editor had a distant office that was all neat and organized, fabulously decorated and she was cool and calm ... pretty much the voice of tranquility at production time ... reality check -- it doesn't happen that way.
I work at a weekly and even here it's hectic.
The day before publication is high-tension. It has gotten a little better since the number of staff has increased. At one time there were five of us, all female (just the way the dice fell) and it was crazy. Last minute changes, stories that don't fit, photos without cutlines and last minute information will be the death of me.
It is funny how we set deadlines for submissions but people always think THEY are the exception to the rule.
Another thing that was a no brainer was that the columnist would type the column and then submit a hard copy. O.K. whoever though of this was just plain dumb, because even if a paper has the budget to pay someone to retype articles, they would surely be put to better use such as fact-checking.
Anyways ... back to my original complaint. I am just having one of those days where I can't get motivated.
I keep trying to work on stuff for the upcoming editions, but I keep finding distractions (like my blog!)
Oh, well ... another day gone bad!

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