
August 23, 2005

Christmas starts early

Christmas is a big thing for me.
Growing up with 12 siblings, things we always hectic and there wasn't much time for putting up Christmas trees. We didn't do the whole "Santa" thing either as I recall, mostly we would all draw names and everyone got one present.
Anyway, I decided when I got my own house, I would "do it big."
In college, my friend Amy and I decided to start make our ornmaments one year and it became a bit of a tradition for me. Amy and I made beautiful ornmaments that year (she made blue, white and silver and mine were red, white and gold).
After graduation she stayed near her family and I moved her to Fort Polk, but each year that followed I'd make more ornaments for each of us.
I got a bit anxious this year, starting last weekend, well officially. A few weeks back I "accidentally" created some beautiful ornaments while my husband was away training and I decided to use those for this year's ornament. Actually I no longer make just one set, I usually "discover" a few variations and make about eight of each and also do an ornament exchange with some other crafters, so I also cross stitch some.
I am also hoping this year to have a booth at the craft fair the Officer's Spouses' Club hosts each year here, so that gives me plenty of crafting to do.
My husband grumbles a lot to our friends when they come over and we start talking about crafts, but he's really a softy and doesn't complain much any other time unless I need him to help when he's trying to do something else.
Our puppy is quite intriqued by my crafting supplies and unfortunately has learned to open the door to the closet where everything is kept. I sometimes find him there on the floor of the closet with fabric, embroidery floss and other items cast about with this look of complete innocence on his face. It really is hard to be mad when he gets that look.
Needless to say I am excited about Christmas this year. Last year we had just gotten Sgt. Major and didn't want to risk him pulling the tree down when we were at work, but this year we'll have to figure something out.
I'll keep you posted and maybe add a few pictures of my many projects as I count down to the holiday season.

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